The Top 100 Spanish Words to Learn for Beginners
May 8th, 2023 - Vera
The Spanish language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 580 million speakers worldwide. If you’re a beginner looking to learn Spanish, you’ll want to start by mastering the most common words and phrases. In this article, we’ll provide you with a list of the top 100 Spanish words to learn for beginners.
- Hola - Hello
- Adiós - Goodbye
- Gracias - Thank you
- Por favor - Please
- Sí - Yes
- No - No
- ¿Cómo estás? - How are you?
- Estoy bien - I am fine
- Mucho gusto - Nice to meet you
- Bienvenido - Welcome
- ¿Cómo te llamas? - What is your name?
- Me llamo… - My name is…
- ¿Dónde está…? - Where is…?
- Aquí - Here
- Allí - There
- Ahora - Now
- Después - After
- Antes - Before
- Hoy - Today
- Mañana - Tomorrow
- Ayer - Yesterday
- Primero - First
- Último - Last
- Grande - Big
- Pequeño - Small
- Alto - Tall
- Bajo - Short
- Bonito - Pretty
- Feo - Ugly
- Bueno - Good
- Malo - Bad
- Feliz - Happy
- Triste - Sad
- Caliente - Hot
- Frío - Cold
- Fácil - Easy
- Difícil - Difficult
- Rápido - Fast
- Lento - Slow
- Nuevo - New
- Viejo - Old
- Abierto - Open
- Cerrado - Closed
- Lejos - Far
- Cerca - Near
- Dentro - Inside
- Fuera - Outside
- Izquierda - Left
- Derecha - Right
- Arriba - Up
- Abajo - Down
- Adentro - In
- Afuera - Out
- Siempre - Always
- Nunca - Never
- A veces - Sometimes
- Muchas veces - Often
- Casi nunca - Hardly ever
- Todos los días - Every day
- A menudo - Frequently
- Nunca jamás - Never ever
- Quizás - Maybe
- Tal vez - Perhaps
- Por supuesto - Of course
- Claro - Clear
- Oscuro - Dark
- Brillante - Bright
- Opaco - Dull
- Dulce - Sweet
- Salado - Salty
- Amargo - Bitter
- Agrio - Sour
- Caro - Expensive
- Barato - Cheap
- Grande - Large
- Pequeño - Small
- Limpio - Clean
- Sucio - Dirty
- Rico - Delicious
- Sabroso - Tasty
- Insípido - Tasteless
- Suave - Soft
- Duro - Hard
- Seco - Dry
- Mojado - Wet
- Alto - Loud
- Bajo - Quiet
- Fuerte - Strong
- Débil - Weak
- Ligero - Light
- Pesado - HHeavy
- Ninguno: None
- Nuevo: New
- Oír: To hear
- Otra: Another
- Parecer: To seem
- Parte: Part
- Pasado: Past
- Pensar: To think
- Pequeño: Small
It’s important to keep in mind that knowing vocabulary is only part of the learning process. In order to become proficient in Spanish, it’s also essential to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the language.
In conclusion, learning Spanish can be a fun and rewarding experience. By starting with the most common words, you can quickly build a strong foundation and work your way up to more advanced vocabulary and grammar. Whether you’re interested in traveling, communicating with Spanish-speaking colleagues or friends, or simply expanding your horizons, there are countless benefits to learning this beautiful and vibrant language.
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