Embracing Change: A Comprehensive Guide to the Conjugation of the Portuguese Verb 'Ficar'
May 24th, 2023 - Vera
In the vibrant tapestry of the Portuguese language, the verb “ficar” (to stay/to become) holds a significant place. “Ficar” allows us to express states of being, changes, and locations. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the conjugation of “ficar” across different tenses and moods, accompanied by example sentences to illustrate their practical usage. By mastering the conjugations of “ficar,” you will gain the ability to convey staying, becoming, and experiencing in the Portuguese language.
Present Indicative Tense
- Eu fico - I stay/become
- Eu fico em casa nos fins de semana. (I stay at home on weekends.)
- Tu ficas - You stay/become (informal singular)
- Tu ficas bonito(a) com esse vestido. (You look beautiful in that dress.)
- Ele/Ela/Você fica - He/She/You stay/become (formal singular)
- Ele fica feliz quando está com os amigos. (He becomes happy when he is with his friends.)
- Nós ficamos - We stay/become
- Nós ficamos no hotel durante a viagem. (We stay at the hotel during the trip.)
- Vós ficais - You stay/become (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós ficais na sala enquanto eu vou buscar água. (You stay in the living room while I fetch water.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês ficam - They/You stay/become (plural)
- Eles ficam animados com a ideia de viajar. (They get excited about the idea of traveling.)
Imperfect Indicative Tense
- Eu ficava - I used to stay/become
- Eu ficava acordado até tarde quando era adolescente. (I used to stay up late when I was a teenager.)
- Tu ficavas - You used to stay/become (informal singular)
- Tu ficavas tímido(a) na presença dela. (You used to become shy in her presence.)
- Ele/Ela/Você ficava - He/She/You used to stay/become (formal singular)
- Ele ficava entusiasmado(a) com a chegada do fim de semana. (He used to get excited about the arrival of the weekend.)
- Nós ficávamos - We used to stay/become
- Nós ficávamos em casa durante as férias de verão. (We used to stay at home during summer vacation.)
- Vós ficáveis - You used to stay/become (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós ficáveis tristes quando chovia no dia do piquenique. (You used to get sad when it rained on picnic day.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês ficavam - They/You used to stay/become (plural)
- Eles ficavam ansiosos antes dos exames finais. (They used to get anxious before the final exams.)
Preterite Indicative Tense
- Eu fiquei - I stayed/became
- Eu fiquei em casa durante o feriado. (I stayed at home during the holiday.)
- Tu ficaste - You stayed/became (informal singular)
- Tu ficaste surpreso(a) com a notícia. (You became surprised by the news.)
- Ele/Ela/Você ficou - He/She/You stayed/became (formal singular)
- Ele ficou satisfeito(a) com o resultado do trabalho. (He became satisfied with the work’s outcome.)
- Nós ficamos - We stayed/became
- Nós ficamos na praia até o pôr do sol. (We stayed at the beach until sunset.)
- Vós ficastes - You stayed/became (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós ficastes impressionados(as) com a apresentação do artista. (You became impressed by the artist’s performance.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês ficaram - They/You stayed/became (plural)
- Eles ficaram encantados com a cidade que visitaram. (They became enchanted with the city they visited.)
Future Indicative Tense
- Eu ficarei - I will stay/become
- Eu ficarei em casa durante o fim de semana. (I will stay at home during the weekend.)
- Tu ficarás - You will stay/become (informal singular)
- Tu ficarás orgulhoso(a) do teu trabalho. (You will become proud of your work.)
- Ele/Ela/Você ficará - He/She/You will stay/become (formal singular)
- Ele ficará ansioso(a) pelo resultado do exame. (He will become anxious about the exam result.)
- Nós ficaremos - We will stay/become
- Nós ficaremos felizes com o sucesso do projeto. (We will become happy with the project’s success.)
- Vós ficareis - You will stay/become (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós ficareis atentos(as) às mudanças no mercado. (You will become attentive to changes in the market.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês ficarão - They/You will stay/become (plural)
- Eles ficarão surpresos com o presente que receberão. (They will become surprised by the gift they will receive.)
Conditional Mood
- Eu ficaria - I would stay/become
- Eu ficaria feliz se pudesse passar mais tempo com a família. (I would be happy if I could spend more time with my family.)
- Tu ficarias - You would stay/become (informal singular)
- Tu ficarias preocupado(a) se perdesses o teu celular. (You would become worried if you lost your cellphone.)
- Ele/Ela/Você ficaria - He/She/You would stay/become (formal singular)
- Ele ficaria aliviado(a) se encontrasse a carteira perdida. (He would become relieved if he found his lost wallet.)
- Nós ficaríamos - We would stay/become
- Nós ficaríamos emocionados(as) se ganhássemos o prêmio. (We would become excited if we won the prize.)
- Vós ficaríeis - You would stay/become (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós ficaríeis admirados(as) com a beleza do lugar. (You would become amazed by the beauty of the place.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês ficariam - They/You would stay/become (plural)
- Eles ficariam desapontados se o evento fosse cancelado. (They would become disappointed if the event were canceled.)
Subjunctive Mood
Present Subjunctive Tense
- Que eu fique - That I stay/become
- É importante que eu fique calmo(a) durante a apresentação. (It’s important that I stay calm during the presentation.)
- Que tu fiques - That you stay/become (informal singular)
- É necessário que tu fiques focado(a) nos teus estudos. (It’s necessary that you stay focused on your studies.)
- Que ele/ela/você fique - That he/she/you stay/become (formal singular)
- É fundamental que ele fique satisfeito(a) com as suas conquistas. (It’s fundamental that he becomes satisfied with his accomplishments.)
- Que nós fiquemos - That we stay/become
- É importante que nós fiquemos atentos(as) aos detalhes. (It’s important that we stay attentive to the details.)
- Que vós fiqueis - That you stay/become (informal plural - rarely used)
- Não é justo que vós fiqueis de fora da atividade. (It’s not fair that you stay out of the activity.)
- Que eles/elas/vocês fiquem - That they/you stay/become (plural)
- É recomendável que eles fiquem motivados para alcançar os seus objetivos. (It’s advisable that they stay motivated to achieve their goals.)
Imperfect Subjunctive Tense
- Que eu ficasse - That I stayed/became
- Eu desejava que eu ficasse mais tempo na praia. (I wished that I stayed longer at the beach.)
- Que tu ficasses - That you stayed/became (informal singular)
- Seria bom que tu ficasses tranquilo(a) durante a viagem. (It would be good if you stayed calm during the trip.)
- Que ele/ela/você ficasse - That he/she/you stayed/became (formal singular)
- Era importante que ele ficasse feliz com o resultado. (It was important that he became happy with the outcome.)
- Que nós ficássemos - That we stayed/became
- Eu preferiria que nós ficássemos juntos nesse momento difícil. (I would prefer that we stayed together in this difficult moment.)
- Que vós ficásseis - That you stayed/became (informal plural - rarely used)
- Eu desejava que vós ficásseis mais compreensivos(as) com os outros. (I wished that you became more understanding of others.)
- Que eles/elas/vocês ficassem - That they/you stayed/became (plural)
- Seria bom que eles ficassem felizes com as suas conquistas. (It would be good if they became happy with their accomplishments.)
Imperative Mood
- Fica - Stay/Become (informal singular)
- Fica tranquilo(a) e enfrenta os desafios com coragem. (Stay calm and face challenges with courage.)
- Fique - Stay/Become (formal singular)
- Fique onde está e não se preocupe. (Stay where you are and don’t worry.)
- Fiquemos - Let’s stay/become
- Fiquemos juntos e superemos os obstáculos. (Let’s stay together and overcome obstacles.)
- Ficai - Stay/Become (informal plural - rarely used)
- Ficai atentos(as) aos sinais de perigo. (Stay attentive to the signs of danger.)
- Fiquem - Stay/Become (formal plural)
- Fiquem em silêncio e escutem o que tenho a dizer. (Stay quiet and listen to what I have to say.)
By exploring the conjugations of the verb “ficar,” you have gained a deeper understanding of how to express states of staying, becoming, and experiencing in the Portuguese language. From the present indicative to the subjunctive mood, you now have the tools to convey the intricacies of staying and evolving in various contexts. Embrace the power of “ficar” and allow it to enrich your ability to describe experiences, changes, and states of being in the captivating world of the Portuguese language.
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