Unleashing the Power of Expression: A Comprehensive Guide to the Conjugation of the Portuguese Verb 'Dizer'
May 23rd, 2023 - Vera
In the rich tapestry of the Portuguese language, the verb “dizer” holds a place of great significance. Meaning “to say” or “to tell,” “dizer” is an essential verb that allows us to express ourselves, communicate ideas, and convey our thoughts. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the conjugation of “dizer” across various tenses and moods, accompanied by example sentences to showcase their practical application. By understanding and mastering the conjugations of “dizer,” you will unlock a world of effective communication in Portuguese.
Present Indicative Tense
- Eu digo - I say/tell
- Eu digo a verdade sempre. (I always tell the truth.)
- Tu dizes - You say/tell (informal singular)
- Tu dizes coisas interessantes. (You say interesting things.)
- Ele/Ela/Você diz - He/She/You say/tell (formal singular)
- Ele diz que vai chegar tarde. (He says he will arrive late.)
- Nós dizemos - We say/tell
- Nós dizemos palavras de encorajamento. (We say words of encouragement.)
- Vós dizeis - You say/tell (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós dizeis o que pensais. (You say what you think.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês dizem - They/You say/tell (plural)
- Eles dizem que vão viajar. (They say they are going to travel.)
Imperfect Indicative Tense
- Eu dizia - I used to say/tell
- Eu dizia isso quando era mais jovem. (I used to say that when I was younger.)
- Tu dizias - You used to say/tell (informal singular)
- Tu dizias coisas bonitas. (You used to say beautiful things.)
- Ele/Ela/Você dizia - He/She/You used to say/tell (formal singular)
- Ele dizia que me amava. (He used to say he loved me.)
- Nós dizíamos - We used to say/tell
- Nós dizíamos piadas engraçadas. (We used to tell funny jokes.)
- Vós dizíeis - You used to say/tell (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós dizíeis sempre a verdade. (You used to always tell the truth.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês diziam - They/You used to say/tell (plural)
- Eles diziam que estavam cansados. (They used to say they were tired.)
Preterite Indicative Tense
- Eu disse - I said/told
- Eu disse que chegaria tarde. (I said I would arrive late.)
- Tu disseste - You said/told (informal singular)
- Tu disseste que não irias. (You said you wouldn’t go.)
- Ele/Ela/Você disse - He/She/You said/told (formal singular)
- Ele disse que precisava de ajuda. (He said he needed help.)
- Nós dissemos - We said/told
- Nós dissemos adeus com tristeza. (We said goodbye with sadness.)
- Vós dissestes - You said/told (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós dissestes que era impossível. (You said it was impossible.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês disseram - They/You said/told (plural)
- Eles disseram que estavam felizes. (They said they were happy.)
Future Indicative Tense
- Eu direi - I will say/tell
- Eu direi tudo o que penso. (I will say everything I think.)
- Tu dirás - You will say/tell (informal singular)
- Tu dirás a verdade? (Will you tell the truth?)
- Ele/Ela/Você dirá - He/She/You will say/tell (formal singular)
- Ele dirá onde está. (He will say where he is.)
- Nós diremos - We will say/tell
- Nós diremos nossos votos de casamento. (We will say our wedding vows.)
- Vós direis - You will say/tell (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós direis o que achais importante. (You will say what you consider important.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês dirão - They/You will say/tell (plural)
- Eles dirão a verdade aos seus pais. (They will tell the truth to their parents.)
Conditional Mood
- Eu diria - I would say/tell
- Eu diria isso se tivesse coragem. (I would say that if I had courage.)
- Tu dirias - You would say/tell (informal singular)
- Tu dirias algo diferente? (Would you say something different?)
- Ele/Ela/Você diria - He/She/You would say/tell (formal singular)
- Ele diria o que faria se estivesse no meu lugar. (He would say what he would do if he were in my place.)
- Nós diríamos - We would say/tell
- Nós diríamos obrigado se nos ajudasses. (We would say thank you if you helped us.)
- Vós diríeis - You would say/tell (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós diríeis o mesmo se soubésseis a verdade. (You would say the same if you knew the truth.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês diriam - They/You would say/tell (plural)
- Eles diriam que não concordam. (They would say they don’t agree.)
Subjunctive Mood
Present Subjunctive Tense
- Que eu diga - That I say/tell
- É importante que eu diga a verdade. (It is important that I tell the truth.)
- Que tu digas - That you say/tell (informal singular)
- Espero que tu digas sim. (I hope you say yes.)
- Que ele/ela/você diga - That he/she/you say/tell (formal singular)
- É necessário que ele diga o que aconteceu. (It is necessary that he says what happened.)
- Que nós digamos - That we say/tell
- É bom que nós digamos o que pensamos. (It is good that we say what we think.)
- Que vós digais - That you say/tell (informal plural - rarely used)
- Não é justo que vós digais isso. (It is not fair that you say that.)
- Que eles/elas/vocês digam - That they/you say/tell (plural)
- É preciso que eles digam a verdade. (It is necessary that they tell the truth.)
Imperfect Subjunctive Tense
- Que eu dissesse - That I said/told
- Eu queria que eu dissesse isso antes. (I wish I had said that earlier.)
- Que tu dissesses - That you said/told (informal singular)
- Seria bom que tu dissesses a verdade. (It would be good if you told the truth.)
- Que ele/ela/você dissesse - That he/she/you said/told (formal singular)
- Era importante que ele dissesse a sua opinião. (It was important that he expressed his opinion.)
- Que nós disséssemos - That we said/told
- Eu gostaria que nós disséssemos tudo o que sentimos. (I would like us to say everything we feel.)
- Que vós dissésseis - That you said/told (informal plural - rarely used)
- Eu preferia que vós dissésseis a verdade. (I would prefer if you told the truth.)
- Que eles/elas/vocês dissessem - That they/you said/told (plural)
- Era fundamental que eles dissessem a verdade desde o início. (It was essential that they told the truth from the beginning.)
Imperative Mood
- Diz - Say/Tell (informal singular)
- Diz a verdade! (Say the truth!)
- Diga - Say/Tell (formal singular)
- Diga-me o que aconteceu. (Tell me what happened.)
- Digamos - Let’s say/tell
- Digamos tudo o que sentimos. (Let’s say everything we feel.)
- Dizei - Say/Tell (informal plural - rarely used)
- Dizei o que pensais. (Say what you think.)
- Digam - Say/Tell (formal plural)
- Digam a verdade, por favor. (Tell the truth, please.)
Mastering the conjugation of the verb “dizer” is a crucial step towards becoming proficient in the Portuguese language. With its ability to express thoughts, convey messages, and communicate effectively, “dizer” empowers us to engage in meaningful conversations. By understanding and practicing the conjugations across various tenses and moods, you will enhance your language skills and confidently express yourself in Portuguese. So, go ahead and embrace the power of “dizer” as you embark on your journey towards fluency in this beautiful language.
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