Discovering Perspectives: A Comprehensive Guide to the Conjugation of the Portuguese Verb 'Achar'
May 24th, 2023 - Vera
In the captivating realm of the Portuguese language, the verb “achar” (to find/to think) plays a significant role in expressing opinions, beliefs, and discoveries. “Achar” allows us to share our thoughts, judgments, and perspectives. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the conjugation of “achar” across various tenses and moods, accompanied by example sentences to illustrate their practical use. By mastering the conjugations of “achar,” you will unlock the ability to express your opinions and thoughts with confidence in Portuguese.
Present Indicative Tense
- Eu acho - I find/think
- Eu acho que ela é uma excelente cantora. (I think she is an excellent singer.)
- Tu achas - You find/think (informal singular)
- Tu achas que vale a pena assistir a esse filme? (Do you think it’s worth watching this movie?)
- Ele/Ela/Você acha - He/She/You find/think (formal singular)
- Ele acha que o time vai vencer o campeonato. (He thinks the team will win the championship.)
- Nós achamos - We find/think
- Nós achamos que é importante preservar o meio ambiente. (We believe it is important to preserve the environment.)
- Vós achais - You find/think (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós achais que devemos tomar essa decisão agora? (Do you think we should make this decision now?)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês acham - They/You find/think (plural)
- Eles acham que essa é a melhor solução para o problema. (They think this is the best solution for the problem.)
Imperfect Indicative Tense
- Eu achava - I used to find/think
- Eu achava que a vida era mais simples quando eu era criança. (I used to think life was simpler when I was a child.)
- Tu achavas - You used to find/think (informal singular)
- Tu achavas que a música era a tua verdadeira paixão. (You used to think music was your true passion.)
- Ele/Ela/Você achava - He/She/You used to find/think (formal singular)
- Ele achava que o trabalho árduo era a chave para o sucesso. (He used to think hard work was the key to success.)
- Nós achávamos - We used to find/think
- Nós achávamos que era impossível realizar aquele projeto. (We used to think it was impossible to accomplish that project.)
- Vós acháveis - You used to find/think (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós acháveis que era melhor esperar por melhores oportunidades. (You used to think it was better to wait for better opportunities.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês achavam - They/You used to find/think (plural)
- Eles achavam que a viagem seria uma experiência transformadora. (They used to think the trip would be a transformative experience.)
Preterite Indicative Tense
- Eu achei - I found/thought
- Eu achei um livro interessante na biblioteca. (I found an interesting book at the library.)
- Tu achaste - You found/thought (informal singular)
- Tu achaste que a festa foi um sucesso. (You thought the party was a success.)
- Ele/Ela/Você achou - He/She/You found/thought (formal singular)
- Ele achou que seria melhor adiar a reunião. (He thought it would be better to postpone the meeting.)
- Nós achamos - We found/thought
- Nós achamos a solução para o problema no final do dia. (We found the solution to the problem by the end of the day.)
- Vós achastes - You found/thought (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós achastes que era uma experiência inesquecível. (You thought it was an unforgettable experience.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês acharam - They/You found/thought (plural)
- Eles acharam que era importante tomar uma posição. (They thought it was important to take a stance.)
Future Indicative Tense
- Eu acharei - I will find/think
- Eu acharei uma maneira de resolver esse problema. (I will find a way to solve this problem.)
- Tu acharás - You will find/think (informal singular)
- Tu acharás a resposta se pesquisares com cuidado. (You will find the answer if you research carefully.)
- Ele/Ela/Você achará - He/She/You will find/think (formal singular)
- Ele achará o amor quando menos esperar. (He will find love when he least expects it.)
- Nós acharemos - We will find/think
- Nós acharemos uma solução viável para essa situação. (We will find a viable solution to this situation.)
- Vós achareis - You will find/think (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós achareis um jeito de superar esse obstáculo. (You will find a way to overcome this obstacle.)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês acharão - They/You will find/think (plural)
- Eles acharão difícil aceitar essa decisão. (They will find it hard to accept this decision.)
Conditional Mood
- Eu acharia - I would find/think
- Eu acharia interessante participar desse projeto. (I would find it interesting to participate in this project.)
- Tu acharias - You would find/think (informal singular)
- Tu acharias mais fácil se pedisses ajuda. (You would find it easier if you asked for help.)
- Ele/Ela/Você acharia - He/She/You would find/think (formal singular)
- Ele acharia injusto se não fosse reconhecido por seu trabalho. (He would find it unfair if he wasn’t recognized for his work.)
- Nós acharíamos - We would find/think
- Nós acharíamos melhor adiar o evento para outro dia. (We would find it better to postpone the event to another day.)
- Vós acharíeis - You would find/think (informal plural - rarely used)
- Vós acharíeis estranho se eu mudasse de carreira? (Would you find it strange if I changed careers?)
- Eles/Elas/Vocês achariam - They/You would find/think (plural)
- Eles achariam importante que todos contribuíssem para a causa. (They would find it important that everyone contributed to the cause.)
Subjunctive Mood
Present Subjunctive Tense
- Que eu ache - That I find/think
- É bom que eu ache uma solução rápida para esse problema. (It’s good that I find a quick solution to this problem.)
- Que tu aches - That you find/think (informal singular)
- Espero que tu aches uma maneira de conciliar as duas partes. (I hope you find a way to reconcile both parties.)
- Que ele/ela/você ache - That he/she/you find/think (formal singular)
- É importante que ele ache uma alternativa sustentável. (It’s important that he finds a sustainable alternative.)
- Que nós achemos - That we find/think
- É necessário que nós achemos um consenso para avançar. (It’s necessary that we find a consensus to move forward.)
- Que vós acheis - That you find/think (informal plural - rarely used)
- Não é justo que vós acheis que sabem tudo. (It’s not fair that you think you know everything.)
- Que eles/elas/vocês achem - That they/you find/think (plural)
- É recomendável que eles achem uma maneira de colaborar harmoniosamente. (It’s advisable that they find a way to collaborate harmoniously.)
Imperfect Subjunctive Tense
- Que eu achasse - That I found/thought
- Eu gostaria que eu achasse a resposta para essa pergunta. (I wish I found the answer to this question.)
- Que tu achasses - That you found/thought (informal singular)
- Seria bom que tu achasses um meio-termo. (It would be good if you found a middle ground.)
- Que ele/ela/você achasse - That he/she/you found/thought (formal singular)
- Era importante que ele achasse um novo propósito na vida. (It was important that he found a new purpose in life.)
- Que nós achássemos - That we found/thought
- Eu preferiria que nós achássemos uma solução mais eficiente. (I would prefer if we found a more efficient solution.)
- Que vós achásseis - That you found/thought (informal plural - rarely used)
- Eu desejava que vós achásseis um modo de conciliar as diferenças. (I wished that you found a way to reconcile the differences.)
- Que eles/elas/vocês achassem - That they/you found/thought (plural)
- Seria bom que eles achassem inspiração na natureza ao seu redor. (It would be good if they found inspiration in the nature around them.)
Imperative Mood
- Acha - Find/Think (informal singular)
- Acha uma solução antes que seja tarde demais. (Find a solution before it’s too late.)
- Ache - Find/Think (formal singular)
- Ache uma maneira de expressar sua opinião com clareza. (Find a way to express your opinion clearly.)
- Achemos - Let’s find/think
- Achemos uma forma de trabalhar em equipe de maneira eficiente. (Let’s find a way to work together efficiently.)
- Achai - Find/Think (informal plural - rarely used)
- Achai uma resposta para esse enigma intrigante. (Find an answer to this intriguing riddle.)
- Achem - Find/Think (formal plural)
- Achem soluções criativas para os desafios que enfrentamos. (Find creative solutions to the challenges we face.)
Mastering the conjugations of the verb “achar” is essential for expressing opinions, thoughts, and perspectives in Portuguese. Through its versatile conjugations across various tenses and moods, “achar” empowers us to share our beliefs, discoveries, and judgments. By understanding and practicing the conjugations provided in this guide, you will gain the ability to express your thoughts and opinions confidently in the Portuguese language. Embrace the power of “achar” and let it guide you in exploring different perspectives and sharing your insights in the enchanting world of Portuguese communication.
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