A Comprehensive Guide to Conjugating the Italian Verb "Venire" with Example Sentences

May 22nd, 2023 - Vera

The Italian verb “venire,” meaning “to come,” is a versatile and frequently used verb in the Italian language. Mastering the conjugation of “venire” is crucial for expressing movement, arrival, and a variety of other meanings in different contexts. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the conjugation of “venire” in detail, accompanied by example sentences to illustrate its usage in context.

Present Tense Conjugation

In the present tense, “venire” follows an irregular conjugation pattern. Let’s examine the conjugation for each person:

Person Conjugation
Io (I) vengo
Tu (you) vieni
Egli/Ella (he/she) viene
Noi (we) veniamo
Voi (you all) venite
Essi/Esse (they) vengono

Example sentences:

  1. Io vengo al cinema con te. (I come to the cinema with you.)
  2. Tu vieni sempre puntualmente alle riunioni. (You always come to the meetings on time.)
  3. Lei viene dalla Francia. (She comes from France.)
  4. Noi veniamo a trovarti domani. (We come to visit you tomorrow.)
  5. Voi venite in vacanza con noi? (Are you all coming on vacation with us?)
  6. Loro vengono al parco per fare una passeggiata. (They come to the park for a walk.)

Imperfect Tense Conjugation

In the imperfect tense, used to describe ongoing or habitual actions in the past, “venire” follows an irregular conjugation pattern:

Person Conjugation
Io (I) venivo
Tu (you) venivi
Egli/Ella (he/she) veniva
Noi (we) venivamo
Voi (you all) venivate
Essi/Esse (they) venivano

Example sentences:

  1. Quando ero bambino, venivo spesso al parco giochi. (When I was a child, I used to come to the playground often.)
  2. Tu venivi sempre a trovarmi nei fine settimana. (You used to come visit me on weekends.)
  3. Lei veniva in Italia per le vacanze estive. (She used to come to Italy for summer holidays.)
  4. Noi venivamo a scuola insieme ogni giorno. (We used to come to school together every day.)
  5. Voi venivate sempre ai nostri compleanni. (You all used to come to our birthdays.)
  6. Loro venivano a cena a casa nostra ogni settimana. (They used to come for dinner at our house every week.)

Future Tense Conjugation

In the future tense, used to express actions that will happen in the future, “venire” follows an irregular conjugation pattern:

Person Conjugation
Io (I) verrò
Tu (you) verrai
Egli/Ella (he/she) verrà
Noi (we) verremo
Voi (you all) verrete
Essi/Esse (they) verranno

Example sentences:

  1. Domani verrò a trovarti a casa tua. (Tomorrow I will come to visit you at your house.)
  2. Tu verrai al concerto con noi? (Will you come to the concert with us?)
  3. Lei verrà al meeting domani mattina. (She will come to the meeting tomorrow morning.)
  4. Noi verremo presto al ristorante. (We will come to the restaurant soon.)
  5. Voi verrete alla festa di compleanno di Giulia? (Will you all come to Giulia’s birthday party?)
  6. Loro verranno a trovarci durante le vacanze. (They will come to visit us during the holidays.)

Conditional Tense Conjugation

In the conditional tense, used to express actions that would occur under certain conditions, “venire” follows an irregular conjugation pattern:

Person Conjugation
Io (I) verrei
Tu (you) verresti
Egli/Ella (he/she) verrebbe
Noi (we) verremmo
Voi (you all) verreste
Essi/Esse (they) verrebbero

Example sentences:

  1. Se avessi tempo, verrei alla tua festa. (If I had time, I would come to your party.)
  2. Tu verresti al cinema con me se ti invitassi? (Would you come to the cinema with me if I invited you?)
  3. Se lei avesse il biglietto, verrebbe al concerto. (If she had the ticket, she would come to the concert.)
  4. Noi verremmo volentieri a cena da te se ci invitassi. (We would happily come to dinner at your place if you invited us.)
  5. Voi verreste in vacanza con noi se aveste il tempo disponibile? (Would you all come on vacation with us if you had the available time?)
  6. Loro verrebbero al matrimonio se fossero invitati. (They would come to the wedding if they were invited.)

Subjunctive Mood Conjugation

In the subjunctive mood, used to express doubts, wishes, or hypothetical situations, “venire” follows an irregular conjugation pattern:

Person Conjugation
Io (I) venga
Tu (you) venga
Egli/Ella (he/she) venga
Noi (we) veniamo
Voi (you all) veniate
Essi/Esse (they) vengano

Example sentences:

  1. È importante che io venga alla riunione domani. (It is important that I come to the meeting tomorrow.)
  2. Vorrei che tu venga con me al concerto. (I wish you would come with me to the concert.)
  3. Se fosse possibile, lei vorrebbe che lui venga a cena. (If it were possible, she would want him to come for dinner.)
  4. È necessario che noi veniamo a conoscenza dei dettagli del progetto. (It is necessary that we come to know the details of the project.)
  5. È meglio che voi veniate preparati per l’esame. (It is better that you all come prepared for the exam.)
  6. Non penso che loro vengano a sapere della verità. (I don’t think they come to know the truth.)


Mastering the conjugation of the verb “venire” is crucial for expressing movement, arrival, and a variety of other meanings in Italian. By familiarizing yourself with the conjugation forms and studying example sentences, you will develop a strong foundation for effective communication. Remember to practice regularly to internalize these conjugations and enhance your fluency in Italian. Buon lavoro! (Good work!)

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