A Comprehensive Guide to Conjugating the Italian Verb "Dovere" with Example Sentences
May 22nd, 2023 - Vera
The Italian verb “dovere,” meaning “to have to” or “must,” is an essential verb that expresses obligation, necessity, or duty. Mastering the conjugation of “dovere” is crucial for expressing obligations, making requests, and discussing responsibilities in the Italian language. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the conjugation of “dovere” in detail, accompanied by example sentences to illustrate its usage in context.
Present Tense Conjugation
In the present tense, “dovere” follows a regular conjugation pattern. Let’s examine the conjugation for each person:
Person |
Conjugation |
Io (I) |
devo |
Tu (you) |
devi |
Egli/Ella (he/she) |
deve |
Noi (we) |
dobbiamo |
Voi (you all) |
dovete |
Essi/Esse (they) |
devono |
Example sentences:
- Io devo studiare per l’esame. (I have to study for the exam.)
- Tu devi finire il tuo compito entro domani. (You have to finish your assignment by tomorrow.)
- Lei deve telefonare ai suoi genitori. (She has to call her parents.)
- Noi dobbiamo pagare le bollette questo mese. (We have to pay the bills this month.)
- Voi dovete fare la spesa oggi. (You all have to do the grocery shopping today.)
- Loro devono prepararsi per la riunione. (They have to prepare for the meeting.)
Imperfect Tense Conjugation
In the imperfect tense, used to describe ongoing or habitual actions in the past, “dovere” follows a regular conjugation pattern:
Person |
Conjugation |
Io (I) |
dovevo |
Tu (you) |
dovevi |
Egli/Ella (he/she) |
doveva |
Noi (we) |
dovevamo |
Voi (you all) |
dovevate |
Essi/Esse (they) |
dovevano |
Example sentences:
- Quando ero bambino, dovevo pulire la mia stanza ogni settimana. (When I was a child, I had to clean my room every week.)
- Tu dovevi studiare molto per i compiti a casa. (You had to study a lot for homework.)
- Lei doveva prendere l’autobus per andare a scuola. (She had to take the bus to go to school.)
- Noi dovevamo fare i compiti prima di uscire con gli amici. (We had to do our homework before going out with friends.)
- Voi dovevate chiamare i vostri genitori ogni sera. (You all had to call your parents every evening.)
- Loro dovevano preparare la cena per tutta la famiglia. (They had to prepare dinner for the whole family.)
Future Tense Conjugation
In the future tense, used to express actions that will happen in the future, “dovere” follows a regular conjugation pattern:
Person |
Conjugation |
Io (I) |
dovrò |
Tu (you) |
dovrà |
Egli/Ella (he/she) |
dovrà |
Noi (we) |
dovremo |
Voi (you all) |
dovrete |
Essi/Esse (they) |
dovranno |
Example sentences:
- Domani dovrò lavorare fino a tardi. (Tomorrow I will have to work late.)
- Tu dovrà studiare molto per l’esame finale. (You will have to study a lot for the final exam.)
- Lei dovrà fare una presentazione davanti al pubblico. (She will have to give a presentation in front of the audience.)
- Noi dovremo organizzare una festa di compleanno per nostro padre. (We will have to organize a birthday party for our father.)
- Voi dovrete imparare a guidare per ottenere la patente. (You all will have to learn to drive to get the license.)
- Loro dovranno prepararsi per la gara di atletica. (They will have to prepare for the athletics competition.)
Conditional Tense Conjugation
In the conditional tense, used to express actions that would occur under certain conditions, “dovere” follows a regular conjugation pattern:
Person |
Conjugation |
Io (I) |
dovrei |
Tu (you) |
dovresti |
Egli/Ella (he/she) |
dovrebbe |
Noi (we) |
dovremmo |
Voi (you all) |
dovreste |
Essi/Esse (they) |
dovrebbero |
Example sentences:
- Se avessi più tempo, dovrei dedicare più attenzione ai miei hobby. (If I had more time, I would have to devote more attention to my hobbies.)
- Tu dovresti studiare di più per ottenere buoni risultati. (You should have to study more to achieve good results.)
- Se lei avesse soldi, dovrebbe viaggiare di più. (If she had money, she would have to travel more.)
- Noi dovremmo fare più esercizio fisico per rimanere in forma. (We should have to exercise more to stay fit.)
- Voi dovreste chiedere aiuto quando ne avete bisogno. (You all should have to ask for help when you need it.)
- Loro dovrebbero essere più responsabili nel completare i loro compiti. (They should have to be more responsible in completing their tasks.)
Subjunctive Mood Conjugation
In the subjunctive mood, used to express doubts, wishes, or hypothetical situations, “dovere” follows a regular conjugation pattern:
Person |
Conjugation |
Io (I) |
debba |
Tu (you) |
debba |
Egli/Ella (he/she) |
debba |
Noi (we) |
dobbiamo |
Voi (you all) |
dobbiate |
Essi/Esse (they) |
debbano |
Example sentences:
- È importante che io debba rispettare le regole. (It is important that I have to respect the rules.)
- Voglio che tu debba fare del tuo meglio. (I want you to have to do your best.)
- Se fosse possibile, lei vorrebbe che lui debba imparare l’italiano. (If it were possible, she would want him to have to learn Italian.)
- È necessario che noi dobbiamo prendere una decisione al più presto. (It is necessary that we have to make a decision as soon as possible.)
- È meglio che voi dobbiate essere preparati per l’esame. (It is better that you all have to be prepared for the exam.)
- Non credo che loro debbano preoccuparsi tanto. (I don’t think they have to worry that much.)
Mastering the conjugation of the verb “dovere” is essential for expressing obligations, responsibilities, and necessities in Italian. By familiarizing yourself with the conjugation forms and studying example sentences, you will develop a strong foundation for effective communication. Remember to practice regularly to internalize these conjugations and enhance your fluency in Italian. Buon lavoro! (Good work!)
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